where our collection of books goes beyond mere pages
and dives into the authentic, warm, and gooey goodness
of what makes life meaningful—much like the center
of a warm, freshly baked caramel roll
Come on in and pull up a cozy corner…
Here, we invite you to explore our ever-growing collection of client books that were not just written but crafted from the heart and soul of each author, each word carrying a message that ripples out for the good of the world.
Each page is a testament to the author’s journey of diving deep within themselves, revealing personal stories that speak directly to our universal humanness. These are books inspired by spirit, driven by purpose, and echo the yearnings of the heart. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of storytelling that goes beyond, offering a genuine connection to the shared human experience.
If you have ever felt mentally imprisoned, scared, trauma, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, incapable, unheard, insignificant, emotionally fragile, manipulated, and/or weakened from the dream you’ve been sold socially, well, it’s TIME for a MINDSHIFT!!! This book discusses how to streamline your thoughts and take back control of your thinking. This book will teach you mastery over your thought-process, and even beyond that, how to create an even more POWERFUL mindset to start living a fully expressive life.
Incredible read! Often, our thoughts control us more than we control them. We are the product of our thoughts. Many times, we easily fall prey to negative thoughts and let them dominate us. This continuous pattern led to our unsuccessful and unhappy lives. The author represents the brain as the most powerful tool and efficient way to be the master of our mind. The book essentially talks about how our controlled thinking can be the key to unlocking prosperity while using the brain as the main tool. It is a short book spread across 15 chapters, with no beating around the bush. The chapters are short and precise, stating the reasons, facts, and ways to overcome them. It will help you to work on your strengths and be friends with uncertainty. This book is perfect for new readers looking to shift their mindset. The simple technique of removing your title and not focusing on grades turned out to be effective in helping me realise my potential.
An Army soldier finds herself stationed in Alaska. Isolated, she struggles to fit in and to find authentic connections, until one day when she meets a new soldier with kind eyes and an infectious laugh. Throughout her time as a Chaplain Assistant, and their friendship she realizes problems bigger than her, as she battles the enemies of racism, sexism, and even sexual assault. She has to decide if her faith is strong enough, if forgiveness is possible, and if love is a risk worth taking.
I just read this book in one sitting, it’s THAT good!📖 ❤ I thought I’d casually start reading Camoflauged Love tonight, and here I am at 3am, having just finished the entire book in one sitting (well, laying in bed with a flashlight!) I couldn’t put it down! The author made me feel as though I was part of her story, from start to end. This is a beautiful love story– but also takes you through her coming of age journey… of discrimination based upon gender, race, and rank, as well as the power of love and forgiveness. I have such a new appreciation for both women in our military, as well as those in relationships within the military. But at the same time, you can truly relate to her story as a human being whos been hurt or struggled in their career, love, or life in general. This story gives a sense of hope and to keep the faith. This novel kept me on the edge of my seat, needing to know what happens next. I highly recommend this book and didn’t want it to end, but I felt like the ending made the journey so worthwhile ❤. Camoflauged Love is a new favorite.
Stop the solo effort! Stop the struggle and learn how to allow yourself to live an easier life. Choose to Just Be is one of those books that can transform your life. At its most basic function, this book is a road map for how to make decisions more easily and have confidence that the choices you are making in life are the right ones. But this book goes way beyond decision making. It shows you why working harder to reach your goals will just use up your energy and never get you where you want to go in life. Once you learn how to approach problems and difficulties in an entirely new way you can stop swimming against the tide. Our culture defines success by the outcomes we produce: a bigger car, a nicer house, the perfect looking family. We are taught that to obtain this success, we must try harder, work more, and dig deeper. We chase after this dream because of a desire to be happy and to feel secure. This transformational system will show you that the endless pursuit of the feelings of peace, happiness, and security doesn’t result in any of those. It is through the letting go of trying to reach your goals under your own power where you will learn that trying harder is not the power move. Letting go is. By allowing a power greater than you to do the heavy lifting, you can find the answers you have been searching for all along. After more than 25 years working as a psychotherapist, Michell Torres understands that many of you are busy, stressed, and working hard, but feel like you are not becoming the person you want to be. This transformational system allows you to let go of the frantic grasping of self-reliance. You learn how to stop coming from a place of fear and doubt and start relying on the inner knowledge of your spirit. Stop forcing, allow an easier outcome, and begin living the life that you are destined for. This is not a complicated process. It’s four simple steps. Pick up your copy of Choose to Just Be and learn how to tell a new story for your life.
Hands down – one of my favorite books yet! This book is spot on and so practical! I love how the author presents the concepts…she uses very easy-to-understand examples of real-life situations that helped me to view deeper, spiritual principles in a simplistic, “why hadn’t I thought of that before” type manner. I read the book from cover to cover in one sitting….yes, it was an easy read, but I was amazed at how much depth it offered. The author’s way of writing could very easily appeal to the “average Joe” all the way up to “the intellectual brainiac” and everyone in between. I have been using concepts of this book in my everyday life, particularly as I’m venturing into new, uncertain situations in my life. This book is a great reminder of how much peace we can experience and that we don’t have to try so hard and endlessly strive, strive, strive in order for things to work in our favor. It has also helped me to recognize just how much I’m taken care of and there’s no need to worry. I love how practical this book is and that it can be applicable to nearly anything. Great read and highly recommend!
Are you a struggling entrepreneur trying to create new revenue streams? Discover proven strategies to help you save thousands of hours of your valuable time building an online community that can help you scale your business while connecting more authentically to your ideal clients. You’ve heard the buzz about building an online community from social media on your app, but you don’t know where to start. In Creator to Community Builder, you’ll learn how Community Strategist Deb Schell has helped over 60 business owners find calm in building, launching, and growing their online communities. Based on client case studies, community examples, and interviews, this book provides new community builders with stories, strategies, worksheets, templates, and checklists that help you take action, launch sooner, and build your next revenue stream. Save thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of your valuable time by getting the strategies that have worked for successful community builders, and find calm building your online community today!
Outstanding resource for anyone attempting to build a meaningful online community! I found this book to be an incredibly valuable resource for planning, staging, and maintaining a real online community – one that shares like-minded interests, and is invested in participating in the ongoing health of the group. Thoughtfully put together with exercises, action-items, and questions to consider, Deb Schell’s book is an incredibly thorough, realistic, and actionable reference for building an online presence from scratch. Very highly recommended!
Daily Walk Devotion is a guide that helps you walk with Jesus on a daily basis. Based on Scripture these devotionals provide encouragement and instruction for your life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Coupled with your daily Bible reading this devotional will help guide you through the challenges that face every Christian.
Take a “Walk” with Jesus today! This Daily Walk Devotion will keep you on the right track in your walk with Jesus. As the title indicates, it is a daily effort, and Pastor Chuck gives us Biblical wisdom for the modern age. In less than 15 minutes a day, you are provided a Scripture verse, context as needed, and real life application of God’s wisdom for your life. The undated format is also great. You can read any page at any time. If you miss a few days, no sweat, pick up right where you left off. And in-depth Biblical knowledge is not required. The Scriptures are explained and brought to life throughout this devotional. Definitely a must have.
Life seems so complicated, but in actuality it’s so elegantly simple. All people essentially are doing the same thing: trying to find happiness and freedom in the best way they know how. All people are here for the same purpose: to evolve and grow from the experience we create for ourselves. We are here to play, to experience life fully, and to discover happiness and freedom along the way. The goal is not to live a forever happy life. Life will always have its ups and downs. It’s about living life consciously and authentically in the moment, then peace and harmony will follow naturally. It’s truly that simple. Why is it so complicated for so many people? Because often people are disconnected from their true nature by social rules, morality, mind programs. The more the person is disconnected from his true self, the more he hurts himself and others around, creating an endless circle of suffering. While there is no silver bullet—no one practice or one book or resource that will lead you to living a happy, fulfilled life—this book offers you a foundation of knowledge to bring you closer to the Truth. This book is for those who are searching for a better way, a life aligned with their purpose. In this book, I share the elegantly simple Truth of life I found for myself, the Truth that you, deep inside, also know as it’s One. I provide real-life examples of how you can apply the Truth in your day-to-day life, so you can forge your own unique path to internal harmony and freedom.
Sincere book. Great revelational book. The author is sharing her view on life with real life examples, which is very helpful, so I can apply the truth and knowledge in my daily life.
Andrea struggles to mourn a man who is still alive as she witnesses her father decline into the depths of Alzheimer’s. Denial and devastation color her life when she learns her father, Richard, a recently retired surgeon, is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at the age of 67. Her dream to grow closer with him is crushed as the reality of his disease is fully realized. Andrea, a mother of three young children, learns to balance motherhood with daughterhood as she grapples to accept her father’s fate. Andrea rides an unpredictable wave of tears, frustration, laughter, irony, and surprising joy as she and her family navigate the ups and downs of a disease that steals memories all the while providing hope from the lasting ones that remain.
Poignant and Very Moving: Embracing What Remains, by Andrea Couture, is a beautifully written and deeply felt memoir about coming to terms with loss. But it is also about so much more. The story centers on the author and her family as they navigate the effects of the devastating illness that afflicts Richard—a loving husband and father, renown surgeon, caregiver and role model. Recently retired from an acclaimed career, he should be entering the so-called “Golden Years” of his life but is diagnosed with dementia and then Alzheimer’s shorty after. The author poignantly describes the challenges and frustration the entire family faces in dealing with this insidious disease. But Andrea’s story is never consumed by the negative. Instead, it is a testament to sacrifice, patience, hope, kindness, and, ultimately, the acceptance that while people may change physically, the spirit and heart that we so love about them remains. A must-read.
“It’s not supposed to be this hard.” Do you feel stuck in a relationship, career, or any other situation that isn’t serving you? Or maybe you’re ready for change, but doubt your strength, feel like you’re too old, or just don’t know how to change lanes. Ever Wish You Got Hit by a Truck? is a step-by-step guide that will inspire you to action and empower you to bring change on your own terms. Using a proven three-part process, you’ll learn how to love and reveal your true self, allow yourself to be supported, mentally and physically prepare for your new life with practical lessons and meaningful practices, and create and carry out your specific plan for change. Don’t let fear, insecurities, or other people’s judgements steal your joy and keep you from living the life you want. Pick up this powerful how-to manual and gain the skills and confidence to start transforming your life today.
A real world guide to making real changes… This book is intuitive and enlightening. Jennifer gives you a step-by-step, relatable guide to make impactful, long lasting changes to live a more joy filled life. She guides you through creating an honest dialog with yourself about what you truly need to be happy. Her story inspires and gives you the courage to take the first step. And then, she gives you practical, real-world tools so you can make changes that bring you closer to a healthier relationship with yourself, the people in your life, your career, and your future.
Have you ever thought about how your seemingly insignificant life events have formed who you are? How intriguing it is to look back and discover how your current life path is directly or indirectly connected to your past!Emerging present moments and fading past events surprisingly yet naturally bring gratitude in life. From the ordinary to the unusual, this book chronicles a little girl’s journey through the joyous ups and painful downs of searching for life’s gift of gratitude. Life’s important lessons were revealed to her through everything from positive influences found in unexpected teachers, injustice in school from pre-kindergarten to college, ordinary friends around her daily life, unfairness inherent in some Japanese traditions, typical family dynamics, uncovering family secrets, fantasies of being French, and the bursting forth of an unspeakable voice. In the multi-cultural memoir, Gift of Gratitude, Author Claire E. Hallinan shares her gratitude for the gifts that she was given by her past: the ability to think of all experiences as positive, the strengths that she determined to be resilient, and the future that she believed to be hopeful through her unique learning experiences. It is these gifts that she is able to share in her very own mindful classroom as a teacher today.
Loved this book about an amazing journey! The Gift of Gratitude is an amazingly heartwarming story that really allows the reader to be transported to another world – and to see from another perspective just exactly what we have to be grateful for in our lives. Highly recommended read!
A beautiful, heartbreaking, and mesmerizing debut travel memoir. The vivid descriptions and devastating authenticity will render you breathless time and time again; while whisking the reader on a journey around the planet they didn’t know they needed to go on. You will never see the world the same way again after turning the last page of this captivating love letter to the human race. By thirty years old, Ryan Crain had everything he thought he wanted—a steady career, a budding relationship, and a high-rise apartment in downtown Oklahoma City. Then, an unexpected phone call he received while backpacking through Europe uprooted it all—everything that had defined him. In a desperate attempt to save his life, Ryan made a bold promise—he would use adventure to climb out of the dark trenches of his grief. In the most mysterious of ways, this one decision would lead him to set foot on every inhabited continent during a round-the-world journey of epic proportions. From windswept beaches in Portugal and mosques in the Middle East, to street markets in Morocco and the Great Barrier Reef, through slums in Mumbai and barrios in South America, what transpired out of the chaos was a new life breathed into his heart. Ryan discovered a deep resilience, both in himself and others, on the road less traveled. In the end, this challenging and confronting journey transformed his fear of the unknown into an unending curiosity for humanity and ushered in the life he was always meant to live—one without regret.
Read. This. Book. What an excellent and eye-opening book! I NEVER read and I completed the book in 3 days!! I was blown away by the level of detail included in the book – his recollection of the people he met and the places he traveled were unreal. It was as though I was right there, immersed in the story. Although Gravel Roads is a book about Ryan’s travels around the world and the people and places he interacted with, to me it was much deeper than that. It was a book about having an open mind, listening and genuinely caring about others. Having an open mind about what choices others make, what they are going through and how they feel, about experiencing people/places/things that aren’t familiar to us. What is good for one is rarely good for everyone. Imagine how different the world would be if we’d just sit back and listen/observe with an open mind. In addition, this book shows us the importance of relationships. True, deep, meaningful relationships with open and honest communication. I don’t believe that God intended us to be alone, He intended for us to do life with others. Take care of yourself and take care of others. Do what makes YOU happy and what makes YOU feel whole. Ryan’s transparency and vulnerability show true courage and strength! Sometimes our hardest challenges can be turned into good and I believe that is exactly what happened in this book! Ryan turned his trials into defining moments that he opened up and shared with his readers.
Whenever bad things happen in the Black community, Justus Murimi receives calls. Not from people within the Black community, but from those outside. They ask, “How can I help?” “What should I be doing?” and “Are you okay?” There’s only one problem: Justus’s answers rarely align with the expectations of those outside the Black community. In How to Kill a Black Man: A Book About Love, Justus shares how good intentions from those outside a community can inadvertently harm and sometimes even destroy a community in need. Anyone, regardless of their race or ethnicity, can end up hurting the very people they were trying to help if they’re not careful. However, as Justus’s experience as a pastor to low-income African American youth and as a life coach to executives reveals in his book, there are methods for effective change. Learn how to transform your desire for positive change into meaningful impact, not just in the lives of others but in your own life as well.
Any Eye-Opening Read! I devoured this book the first day that I got it. Not because it’s one of those books that I’ve been waiting for or needed to complete my reading collection this year, but because the message from the very first chapter resonated with me. I was hooked with the story of the young man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, and then hooked when I realized how questions can frame a story (and belief). When I started reading, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But having no expectations led to completely unexpected revelations. Revelations about love, shame, guilt, suppression, elevation, and love (yes…I said ‘love’ twice, because this book always comes back to that). Hats off to Justus for being so vulnerable and open about the struggles he’s personally experienced and seen in the community. Those stories interwoven throughout shared eye-opening insights into what we think helps, but often times has the opposite effect. And while I’m certain they were not easy to share, they added the needed depth to bring the reality of these issues to life. While there’s much more to his message than what I’m about to share, this one really stuck with me at the end: “No healthy relationship, nor positive change, has ever come from guilt.” It’s the same message I had to learn myself at an early age, and one I’ve taught to my kids and friends as well. It doesn’t matter if it’s an unrequited teenage crush, a business partnership gone sour, or a long-time unhealthy friendship you can’t bring yourself to end. In the end, doing the right thing is always the right thing, and I’ve never seen a situation where guilt led to that right thing. That’s not exactly the message of the book, but the way Justus explained guilt and love made me think of that lesson and how right on his own true message was. No matter your color or status, you’ll gain incredible insights into the struggles everyone faces, including yourself. Sidenote: The cover might get you some very curious glances if you are reading it at your local Starbucks! 😉
Relationships are a gift; they are a privilege. A deep and meaningful connection with another human is something you earn because of who you are. It’s not something to which you are entitled. We must never forget that people can disappear from our lives at any moment. Even this gift of being alive and the opportunity we were given to live this life is a privilege with no guarantee. Now, this book may not be for everyone. Yes, it enhances your ability to have much more meaningful relationships with friends and family and to even breathe new life into a marriage or intimate partnership. But even more, what this book will teach can transform your future relationships. If you are sick of the constant struggle and don’t understand why your relationships have consistently failed, this book is for you. If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and put in the hard work that solid, meaningful relationships require, this book is for you. If you are ready to dig deep into yourself and your own issues-to take a long, hard look in the mirror-so you can bring your best self to a relationship with your future partner, this book is definitely for you. This book is not designed for you to learn how to fix others but for you to fix yourself. One thing you CAN control is you. One thing you CANNOT control is others. The goal of this book is to make you the best you, and when you’re done, you will understand others better.
Teachers and coaches get frustrated when their students don’t perform at their best. “How many times have I told you?” “You are lazy!” These phrases don’t help students improve their performance; they don’t ease the teacher’s frustration either. Instead, they create a distance between the teacher and their students. Rather than blame others when we cannot control a situation, we should focus on learning how to manage it by noticing ourselves. To be aware of our inner experiences (emotions and thoughts) helps us to connect to ourselves and to control our impulses. That is when we can intentionally establish relationships with our learners. In I Notice, you will find:oClaire Hallinan’s 6-Step Method that shifts your thinking patterns by using “I notice” statements,oHow non-judgmental observations will consequently increase the students’ desire to connect with their teacher, oHow to monitor your progress using the provided worksheets, andoSmall and simple daily routines that transform your relationships with youth.I Notice equips readers with the key to uncovering the relationship with young learners that has been stuck at a certain level. With intentional relationships, students will perform beyond their perceived abilities. I Notice teaches you how to be aware of present moments.I Notice enhances your communication pathways with students in addition to your already existing good intentions. When the communication pathway is mindfully established between the teacher and students, young learners will soar to success.Read this book and unlock the benefit of intentional relationships!
The information in this book is invaluable!!! As a mentor, I found the information in ” I Notice ” to be invaluable! I love the unique and groundbreaking approach that Claire E. Hallinan uses. It appears too many self help books focus on you and you. But this writer’s approach is transformative in that she teaches on how you and me can intentionally turn our attention to the other or to the student and in the process enjoy mutual success. Claire guides the reader on “how” to maximize the learner’s experience by improving connection both to the student and yourself. Its the joy of selfless-ness and how in giving, much is received. Among the books that I have read that are geared towards helping the teacher, mentor, coach, or anyone who desires to bring positive influence on another, this book stands tall! I believe anyone who desires to improve communication at any level or capacity, must read this book! Anyone who desires a deeper connection in a relationship will benefit from this book. Great resource. Highly recommended!
“Whatever happens, I’m going to survive.”An inspiring true story based on journal entries about a brave young woman in her twenties who pushes herself out of her comfort zone when she agrees to join a sailing expedition from Gibraltar to Thailand, with no experience. A health crisis, serious mechanical failures, the threat of pirates and a category five cyclone – everything begins to go terrifyingly wrong, triggering the deeply buried trauma of a sexual assault. As she quickly adapts to life at sea, she begins to reclaim the power that was stolen from her and to break the silence. Those who dream of adventure and travel will enjoy every discovery in this story; exploring important factors around surviving sexual assault including mental health, victim-status, boundaries, trust, self-worth, confidence, self-care, sexuality, bullying, substance abuse, friendship, family, intergenerational trauma, culture, racism, privilege and much more. If you have an instinct to run and a longing to return to a place of safety, you will find this book a gentle, supportive and loving call to action reflecting on what ‘home’ really means. This book is for anyone who’s interested in the #MeToo movement, personal development, improving wellbeing, spiritual growth and cultivating hope. If you feel like your lost in a storm at sea, searching for the nearest lighthouse then this book is the beacon you’ve been hoping for.”A fantastic, and surprisingly fun and easy read! The vividness with which this book is written makes you feel you are on the journey with the author, but do not let the heavy theme of the book discourage! The details of sexual assault are delicately interwoven in a way that focuses on the journey to becoming empowered and leaves one feeling motivated not overwhelmed.” Jess Odell – Amazon.co.ukBook Extract “So, I said nothing. I ran away with the secret. A secret that remained lodged in my throat and my nightmares the entire eighteen months I was away from home leading up to the sailing trip. I wish I had respected myself enough to report it. I wish I had understood just how serious the crime was. I wish I had known how detrimental the rape was going to be to my health. How it destroyed the trust, I had in myself, my self-worth, and my sense of safety, particularly in my relationships with men. It became a destructive force that would turn me not against the world or the man who did it but purely against myself. I had been running from it this whole time, and I was getting tired of running.” Chapter 2″There was something magical about seeing the sunrise, the wind in my hair, the clouds in the sky, those first initial rays of light that stretched out perfectly like a mother’s arms beckoning an embrace from her child. I was in love watching the colours change moment by moment. It looked like I was sailing in heaven. There I was, this twenty-two-year-old girl sailing this fifty-three-foot boat named Who Dares Wins all on my own through the mirrored water of the Indian Ocean. Four people’s lives in my hands, and they were all nestled in their sleeping bags below deck sound asleep, trusting me to look after them. And I knew how. I felt unstoppable. It was Mother Nature and me taking time to converse in the waters of her womb as they lapped against the bow. I could feel the life force returning as I breathed in the moment’s beauty. I made promises with my soul to stain this memory on my bones forever, for lifetimes to come. A holiday destination I could always visit when times get tough. I could breathe properly for the first time since the rape.The rape had thrown me off my boat, but I had clung onto that rope that trailed behind it with one hand. I had managed to swim with the vessel the whole time. This journey slowed the boat down and allowed me to catch up to it. To climb the ladder, return to the helm and take back control. I was finding the sense of freedom that I was truly seeking within.” Chapter 14
A powerful emotional read. Gripping from start to finish. I was not prepared for the emotions this book would ignite. Renee Simpson’s I want to Go Home is a candid memoir of her life victimized by rape and the trauma that followed. Renee speaks thoughtfully and articulately of surviving the horrendous emotional aftermath of being raped. Her brutal honesty and self-disclosure struck me as she shares quips and stories from her journey into self-actualization and healing: both emotionally and the physical ocean trek as a novice crew hand. Renee addresses the core of the culture of rape and faces it head-on, encouraging her readers who are also victims in their quest to do the same.
Business coach and profit strategist, Ciara Stockeland’s essential guide for entrepreneurs, small business owners and really, anyone who owns and exchanges goods for cash. If you own an inventory based business, it is quite possible that your inventory is your biggest asset. By fully understanding your inventory, you will finally be able to take control of your business, to create more profit and to keep more cash. Ciara Stockland has worked with thousands of inventory based business owners from around the world. Oftentimes, she meets business owners at points where they feel overwhelmed with debt, are riddled with guilt and shame over past business decisions, never take a paycheck, and are ready to throw in the towel. Ciara knows the solution: these business owners simply need to know where to start. They need to focus on the right type of work. Ciara’s Inventory Genius Method takes the core components of business ownership and breaks them into bite-sized, actionable steps that lead to business growth and profitability. The key to Ciara’s business profitability strategy is inventory. Once business owners have a firm understanding of how inventory works, they can start down the path toward profitability. In Inventory Genius, Ciara moves from a simple explanation of how inventory works to six focus areas for every business owner. With the Inventory Genius Method, you’ll learn clear and effective strategy related to: Increasing Sales, Increasing Margin, Decreasing Expenses, Net Profit, A Strong Balance Sheet. Inventory Genius is packed with informational graphics, step-by-step figures, scenarios, real-life examples, and bite-sized, actionable steps that you can put into practice in your business today. This book is an important read for any business that owns and sells inventory: eCommerce stores, subscription box businesses, brick and mortar retailers, service providers that offer physical goods (think coffee shops that sell mugs and bags of beans or salons that sell hair and beauty products). Ciara’s goal in Inventory Genius is to empower and equip inventory based business owners with the tools needed for growth and profitability. If you’re ready to take control of your business, grab this quick, effective read, and get started today. It is time for you to become an inventory genius and to get started on the path toward profitability in your business.
Inventory Business Owners MUST READ! What amazing real life applications for your small business! Perfect for the small business owner with inventory who feels stuck, constantly trying to make ends meet, not taking a paycheck and has old inventory in the backroom. Easy to read. Easy to understand with practical advice to review within your business today. If you’re struggling in any area, you’re not alone in the small business world! Reading this book is a step on the right direction but it’s not a fix to everything. You’ll have some work to put into it to cut your expenses, grow your margin, create an open to buy and begin paying yourself! The work is easier than the constant struggle.
A straightforward guide to understanding the global monetary system and why the shine is off the U.S. dollar’s position as the Gold Standard of world currencies. Steven J. Spence, a military veteran and corporate employee-turned-entrepreneur, lays out a concise history of the U.S. monetary system. He’s candid about his own life lessons and then shares how he came to discover the hard realities revealed in this informative read. The author explains in layperson’s terms how the institutions behind money work and how it affects you. He also offers timely insight into what’s going on right now from crypto currency to inflation and hyper-inflation and steps you should consider to secure your own financial future.
Not for anyone looking to get rich quick, but for those who want to make their money work for them. The title of the book says it all. Steve Spence lays everything down in layman’s terms so that we who can’t or don’t take the time to understand the financial system can. He lays out the reality of how this world’s financial system enslaves us by giving us the impression that we can buy whatever we desire, on credit, therefore, keeping us in constant debt and enslaved to this monetary system. Steve Spence gives us this understanding that we lack to help us make our money work for us. He captures our attention in the most humorous way, which for the most part is what keeps us hook on what we read. Thank you Steve for allowing God to work through you as He put in you the unction to do all this research and share it with us. I highly recommend this book. It was very hard to put it down once started.
Do you have a goal that won’t leave you alone? Do you have a world-changing dream that your heart is begging you to say yes to? Do you worry how you will survive and thrive through something as big and spectacular as diving to the deep end of the pool to launch your dream and impact countless lives? Just like you, Author Shannon Crotty had the same fears and doubts when she launched her dream. In her debut book, Shannon shares the hard-earned survival tips she gathered while swimming in the deep end as a new founder – the lessons she wished she knew when she started! No One Is Peeing In the Deep End details encouraging and straightforward strategies to not only get you through the daring process of launching a dream but also help you do it with style, fun, and joy. Through reading Shannon’s experience and real life stories, you’ll come away feeling seen, connected, and armed with tools to help you on this extraordinary journey. Shannon uses her love of authentic leadership and the passion of launching crazy-wonderful ideas to inspire women across the globe to go after that big dream that simply won’t leave them alone. She teaches them to listen to their gut, build complementary and balanced teams, and embrace joy, happiness, and acceptance. She’s here to tell you that no one is peeing in the deep end—so jump in! Visit Shannon at ShannonCrotty.com for more information and support.
Calling All Visionaries! Shannon Crotty’s book is a gift. As a visionary I was impacted by this book that is full of endless gems and diamonds. She reminded me that I am the keeper of my dream and with that comes responsibilities. That boundaries are a must. And listening to my gut is priceless. I especially appreciate her share about how it can be a lonely journey at times and encourages us to recognize that fact. She shares tangible tools that I personal will incorporate into my daily habits. I highly recommend this book it is a great resource that encourages and inspires you to stay the course. In Shannon’s words “It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it. You’re worth it.”
Author Barb Hubbard often wondered how someone like her would be able to write a book. She couldn’t even get started on the dishes most days! The answer, she discovered, was simple: just get started! Quit Chasing Squirrels… and Start Chasing Your Dreams is for people like Barb—someone with a big dream, but also big distractions… squirrel!! It’s for those who have been sitting on an amazing idea for too long… for a side hustle, a passion project, a book, a new business. An idea that will have a huge impact on themselves, their family, and many others. It’s for those passionate souls who want to make an impact but just cannot seem to take that first step. If you’ve ever thought: It’s so overwhelming! Where would I even begin? I have too much going on. I have ADHD… I’m too distracted! Who am I to take on this project? Ugh, why can’t I just get started? But also: I LOVE this idea! I can’t wait to make an impact! If not now, when? I’m ready to get started—just show me how! …then this is YOUR book! With 50 tried-and-true ideas to help you get started (and keep going!), you’ll kick all your excuses to the curb, quit chasing squirrels, and put an end to your procrastination. Barb shares these quick hacks alongside her personal testimony and client stories that illustrate the power behind knowing your strengths, claiming your uniqueness, and following your passion. For all the dreamers out there… it’s time to get started!
Such an important book! IIt was inspiring to read a book that was written with the way I think in mind. As someone with ADHD, it can often feel as though the majority of self-help books don’t come from a place of understanding neurodivergency. I’ve always felt as though myself and others like me work twice as hard to get the same amount of work done. This book provides numerous solutions for that! I love that it’s designed to be inclusive for wherever your brain is at. The hacks inside and the convenient layout of the book make it friendly for even the most distractable among us. This is a book that the shelves have needed for a long time, and I’m so glad that it’s finally going out into the world.
Seize The Day is based on a young African American man’s life experiences and some of the obstacles that were overcome to beat the customary odds. The author vividly details what it was like to grow up in “the hood”, specifically in southern Louisiana, and some of the people and things that made him who he is today. From all of the childhood good times and common family dysfunction, to the disclosure of a life-threatening battle, Chris is extremely transparent in all of his words. The motivation for this book was centered around positively affecting individuals who could relate to Chris’s story. That includes the African-American youth living with similar circumstances. With a colorfully-painted mental picture and pure Louisiana culture, Seize The Day is likely to become an instant favorite. Join the author on this ride called life, and see if you can gain any of what he did. Don’t forget, it’s yours to seize!
The read was simply amazing and super impactful the way the author told his story. We hear of black men in his situation all the time who don’t keep fighting for what’s righteous and correct, but this was a story of triumph. I can say that even though his story is not done it seems it will end on a good note which for me is the ultimate goal in life. I believe this book should be given to young black men everywhere because this story is so relatable for so many of us and we never hear about the men who actually turned the tables and stood on all ten toes. Much respect to the author and an even bigger respect to the community of people who helped him get thus far. I was honestly moved emotionally in a good way seeing how there are few black male role models left in the world and I actually was able to find one. Thank you for confidence, your great story telling and over all true inspiration you delivered with this book
What is your definition of a champion? Mastering difficult skills? Getting perfect 10s? Saluting tall and proud with a gold medal? In daily practice at the gym, young champion-hopefuls physically work hard, but they often struggle with fear and self-doubt. One teenage gymnast, Chelsea, shares the experience of her falls throughout her nine-year gymnastics career. Her honest voice encourages her fellow gymnasts to allow mistakes and rise up, no matter what. Rise up and try again. This simple yet tough attitude is the key to success in gymnastics. The Championslip reveals how building mental strength helps your championship journey. In this book, the reader will learn: • The key components of the Resilience Cycle • How your brain and body work together • How to conquer fear • How mindfulness impacts an athlete’s success • How to navigate your fear and transform it into your cool Your confidence can be built by training your body and mind simultaneously. The Fearless Flowcharts included in the book are a guide to help you conquer fear through effective and logical self-talk. When you notice what you are doing and how you are doing it, you can get yourself back on the right track. You create your own version of a championship in your athletic journey! At the end of the day, you determine what a true championship is for YOU. And you will find a true champion inside.
Claire & Chelsea provide a beautiful example of parent-athlete team! I loved reading this inspiring book. There were so many great tips and tools for every athlete to use in any sport. But, one part that stood out to me was the fact that this mother and daughter worked together on the project. There is often so much disconnect between parents and their athletes. This books shows what can happen when parents and athletes come together, communicate what is happening, then find solutions that can help everyone. Thank you for your wonderful insights!
From the Best Selling author Dr. Kasia Kines. Take your life back! For anyone suffering from Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, Infectious Mononucleosis, or other mystery illnesses, this is a must read!Do you feel lost and hopeless, living a life of illness with no answers? Do you feel unsupported by your medical team, left to suffer alone with no guidance? Are you searching for solutions to get your health and life back on track?Finally, a book that speaks to both the medical community and people inflicted by both mono and chronic conditions caused by EBV!The expanse of this pivotal book is far reaching – many people may not yet know they have been infected with EBV (commonly known as the “kissing disease”), but yet they struggle every day with chronic symptoms such as severe brain fog, debilitating fatigue, headaches, fever, chills, sore throat, body aches, and abdominal discomfort and can’t seem to find a successful treatment solution.Eventually, some go on to develop autoimmune disorders, e.g. Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and even cancer and are told that their immune system is simply confused and is now attacking itself, left with no solutions or hope for recovery.Alarmingly, chronic EBV infection is almost completely missed in medical practice, and as a result of never being tested, misinterpreting the test results, not being diagnosed, or being mis-diagnosed by their doctors, millions of people suffer debilitating conditions for many years with no answers.But this suffering can be avoided. And with this book, answers can be found.Author Dr. Kasia Kines is considered by her colleagues to be “one of the most brilliant, and importantly, clinically experienced functional nutritionists in the world.” In Epstein-Barr Virus Solution, Dr. Kines provides a groundbreaking examination of EBV and not only how it causes chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer but also how recovery is possible. This book was written in hopes that it will globally change the way EBV is understood, diagnosed, and treated.The deep journey into the existing research sheds light on the EBV virus for both the seasoned medical community and the layperson. Along with the validated research, Epstein-Barr Virus Solution presents practical, time-tested, and evidence-based clinical solutions for the testing and medical nutrition therapy for EBV, testing and lab interpretation, unique supplementation protocols, recovery strategies for stress, insomnia, fatigue, and toxicity, pantry and kitchen rehab for EBV, and delicious anti-EBV recipes. Through Dr. Kines’ compassionate guidance, readers will feel confident to discuss their concerns with their doctor, to ask for testing, and to take their lives back from EBV. Epstein-Barr Virus Solution urges medical providers to hear their clients’ concerns and provides the medical community with the research and insights needed to avoid misdiagnosis and common problems with testing for EBV.Epstein-Barr Virus Solution was made possible because of Dr. Kines’ long-standing expertise as a functional clinical nutritionist who has dedicated her practice to working with clients inflicted by EBV. Dr. Kines tells readers in easy-to-understand language that recovery and hope for better health are possible through targeted nutrition and lifestyle changes. Readers are given a toolkit full of practical advice and guidance, including exclusive materials from Dr. Kines’ life-changing 30-Day Detox Program that she has taught successfully for over 10 years.The research is out there, and Dr. Kasia Kines has found it, synthesized it, and utilized it to implement successful treatment protocols in her own clinic. Clients who had suffered years with chronic EBV infection symptoms are now recovering and living their lives.This book will provide those infected with EBV everything they need to finally take control of their health and take their life and happiness back.
Review from a Functional Medicine Practitioner that works with Epstein-Barr frequently. Dr. Kines’ work in the field of Epstein-Barr and reactivated Epstein-Barr is truly transformational. I have been using Dr. Kines’ protocols for roughly a year now, and I get wonderful results with my patients. I am continually amazed at the number of patients that come to me with clear Epstein-Barr reactivation on their most recent blood work, yet their doctors tell them it will “go away on its own” or “there’s nothing we can do.” These are the same patients that have been struggling with chronic fatigue for 5, 10.. sometimes 20+ years! There is SO MUCH we can do, and we DO these protocols and they help. Tremendously. They get my patients not only their energy but their lives back. As a functional medicine practitioner I appreciate less-harsh, more “natural” remedies whenever possible, and as a holistic practitioner I appreciate science. Dr. Kines does a fantastic job of showing the science and the studies behind remedies that just about anyone can obtain. This book is great for practitioners AND patients, and it’s a great resource to show your doctor if necessary! To show them that that there IS something wrong. It’s not all in your head. And there IS SO MUCH you can do!! I greatly appreciate the functional medicine approach laid out in this book as well. It’s never just about the virus. It’s about the rest of the imbalances in the body that are causing the virus to wreak havoc. Dr. Kines does a great job of reviewing other other issues going on in the body (like certain toxins/metals) that may be involved. Thank you Dr. Kines for your work in this virus that’s often overlooked by mainstream medicine, and for giving us all practical solutions to get rid of it!!
The Gift of a Punishment-Free Childhood is a refreshing oasis for parents—a loving and humorous account of one mother’s journey of parenting her children without punishment. Rebecca Woulfe empowers you to trust your instincts, address each child’s unique needs, and uncover the solutions that work for your family. Practical guidance accompanies each developmental stage, revealing the “how” and “why” of these strategies. You will discover the transformative power of parenting without punishment in Woulfe’s groundbreaking book. With real-life examples and a touch of humor, she shares her personal journey of creating healthy, nurturing relationships with her children. Unveiling the ineffectiveness of punishment, her age-appropriate alternatives foster discipline and maintain a loving bond. Whether you have a toddler, tween, or teenager, you can apply Woulfe’s techniques throughout your parenting journey. It’s never too late or too early to join her in exploring the power of creativity and compassion. Step into a world where punishment is replaced with effective discipline and watch as your parent-child relationship flourishes.
Quick and easy read on parenting your kiddos with respect, love, and communication! The Gift of a Punishment-Free Childhood by Rebecca Woulfe, PhD, is an in-depth guide on how to parent your children with respect, courtesy, communication, and no punishment. The goal of the book was created from the reality that our society structures itself on punishment and the desire to change the future of humanity since the results of our punishment driven society are not positive. While the author acknowledged this was starting small in her own home, the ideal desire of creating this book as a guide to help parents not only take care of themselves but also support and view their children in the highest light was very obviously the intent of hoping to create a global difference. I find it to be a very good start in that direction and I am already implementing many of the well-researched tools and strategies laid out in this book with my own children. The book follows the trajectory of a child’s life through sections, guiding you with specific examples during each age range. I really enjoyed this approach and found it helpful that you could read the sections out of order if you had a child in a certain age group or go back and refer to any future age group as your kids get older. My partner and I both came from high punishment childhoods since our parents came from generations of even stricter punishment filled homes. We were searching for something that covered the term “gentle parenting” in a way that was a bit more specific in examples and considered the difficulties of raising kids coming from a strict punishment background. This book does exactly that and more in a very concise way. It was an easy read that I took my time reading to insure I dissected and took to heart every new piece of parenting guidance I read. I was thoroughly entertained while also heavily educated. It was a pleasure to read this book and I would recommend it to current and future parents!
Do you dream of writing a book someday? Maybe your journey through life has taught you a thing or two. You know you have valuable insights to share, but you’re not quite sure anyone will want to hear them. Plus, your story isn’t *that* special (who do you think you are, Michelle Obama?!) and your writing can’t possibly be good enough for publishing anyway. Sadly, most writers have had these same harsh thoughts. Even professionals! Author Danielle Anderson knows all too well that writing and sharing your life stories can feel like free falling from the top of a building: only trained professionals or daredevils do that kind of thing! Well, here’s some good news. Writing about your life doesn’t have to be scary. In The Magic of Writing with Heart, Danielle outlines a proven method to get to the heart of your story (where all the magic happens!). Pairing Danielle’s sincere, relatable, and (dare it be said) entertaining voice with a powerful collection of hand-selected prompts, interactive steps, and a simple but profoundly potent technique makes this book the perfect companion for those who want to write memoirs that change lives. By committing to work the method outlined in this book, you will: Level up your writing skills; Grow your confidence and belief in yourself as a writer; Learn how to tap into the substance of the story you long to tell; Deepen your love of writing; Find the true worth of your words! Simply put, The Magic of Writing with Heart helps you transform your writing from “words on a page” into something that makes this world a better place. Something you (and your heart) can be proud of. You will soon discover, dear reader, that this is not your mother’s bland book of biographical writing prompts; this is a book of magic. Author Danielle Anderson, founder of Ink Worthy Books, is a memoir coach and editor who believes everyone has a story worth telling, and every story has the power to change the world! She leads with heart in business, in her writing, and in life.
Inspiring Life Storytellers to Share Their Stories! In The Magic of Writing with Heart, Danielle Anderson offers great advice in writing memoirs. She has taken the pressure off those who are overwhelmed at the idea of writing their life story, believing they must write about birth to the present. Instead, Danielle explains in loving detail how that is not the way to go about writing life stories. She “helps memoirists write about their lives in small snippets.” With 366 writing prompts to spark memories that can be used every day, one for Leap Year, a rich life story can be told by recording those life experiences that make up a life story. And no, the writer does not have to do one a day or even write the vignettes of their life in any particular order. I recommend this book for anyone who desires to tell their story, but needs help in jogging their memories. Danielle’s magic and assuring words inspire life storytellers to actually sit down and write.
Success leaves clues. There are certain principles that every individual who has achieved a great level of success had followed.Within the chapters you will see a roadmap of various principles that has led some of the most admired individuals to have ever walked this Earth.If you feel like you are just starting out in your journey towards success and are looking for a tool to help you get there, then this is a read for you.If you feel like you want success, but you are unsure of how or where to get started, then this is a read for you.I have researched and studied many different people who reached a high level of success in their field. I have come to learn that one’s attitude and their level of effort are two variables in which we have ultimate control over and that most people underestimate the importance of these two variables.This book includes a variety of different stories, examples, and studies of how one’s attitude and effort are at the forefront of one’s success. As you read this book, you will begin to notice that most of these successful people were just like you at one point in their life. You will see that majority of their successes came as a result of their optimistic attitude and their relentless effort.
Must read for young adults! Impactful insight to the power of positive attitudes and focused effort. The author provides real life, heartfelt examples of the impacts of both the positive side and negative forces that occurred in his life. He quotes and provides references to some of the world’s greatest authors and business icons, allowing readers to further explore topics relevant to individual situations and interests. Inspirational reading, a must for young adults.
A Thought-Provoking Book on Inner Power, Awareness and Choice that Everyone is Talking About. Think Again.
Think Again provides practical tools to correct the things in your life that you are not happy with. The workbook allows you to immediately put to practice the ideas of Think Again!
Are you a service industry professional? Do you earn tips? Are you sick of living shift to shift or week to week? Are you ready to take control of your money and your life? Do you want to get great with money, or even just feel like you have your money shit together? Tipped employees make up more than four million working professionals in the U.S. and they age into one of the most economically disadvantaged populations in the country. (But not for the reasons you think!) Tipped is here to change that, and your life. Tipped is your step-by-step guidebook to build your own path to financial freedom while working in the industry that you love (and love to hate). Tipped explains how service employees are left out of the most common paths to wealth building and then helps you build your own path to the financial life of your dreams. Through real stories and service industry related analogies, Tipped will teach you how to: Get started investing today—and actually understand the world of investing, Avoid industry specific pitfalls, Budget while on a fluctuating income, Develop creative ways to build an emergency fund, Take your financial temperature, Build your path to financial freedom. Barbara Sloan, a lifelong SIP turned personal finance expert and money coach, is the driving force behind this powerful guidebook. She spent 20 years working in almost every possible tipped position across the country. She has made endless financial mistakes and learned lots of hard lessons, but it was only after working on Wall Street, running her own multi-million dollar company, and helping the wealthiest individuals plan their biggest budget items did she see all of the ways that tipped workers are left out of the wealth building world. Whether you plan to be a lifelong service worker or are only here for a short time (and a good time), you can create the strongest financial footing while in the least suspecting of places.
Great lessons and education for tip-based workers! Barbara did a great job covering all the essential personal finances topics in an easy-to-read and relatable way. Her stories and experience as a SIP will relate well with the audience. She introduces all the basics without making the reader feel dumb and insulted and gives them options in every category. Down-to-earth, relatable, easy to understand, and a lot of great advice to help SIPs who don’t have the same HR benefits that a lot of Americans get. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with money or behind… or not just where to even start, read this book!
When Mary is seven years old, a near head-on collision leads to a diagnosis of epilepsy. What follows is a mid-life resurgence of uncontrollable seizures that severely impact her family, career, and quality of life. After a seizure caused a car accident, Mary is forced to give up her driver’s license and is terminated from a job she loves. With her now-limited mobility and reduced freedom, Mary faces challenges she never saw coming. She must find the strength to juggle status quo health care systems, mental health struggles, family responsibilities, and her own internal conflicts and fears. Mary’s journey to speak up and find the best options for her wellbeing within the confusing and complex medical community leads to a team of specialists and new promising treatment options. As she explores healing practices, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, meditation, and embarks on a deeper spiritual journey, she discovers that she has the power to restore her health, wellbeing, and inner peace. As Mary learned to fight her way through major medical conditions, she becomes an outspoken health advocate and helps to support others in this process. In Unleashing My Warrior Spirit: A Memoir of Empowerment and Self-Health Advocacy, Mary’s story will inspire and motivate you to become your own inner warrior and take responsibility for your own wellbeing–your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Published on February 19, 2024 – reviews coming soon!
Being an entrepreneur or self-employed individual requires far more than just a can-do attitude and mindset built on resilience and perseverance. This book is a practical guide covering the real life challenges that all entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals face. From the bare essentials of understanding how much money you need to make in order to support yourself, to how taxes work when you work for yourself, to selecting the right entity and tax structure for your business and so much more. The Gig Economy continues to grow exposing more and more people to the painful reality of being your own boss. Yes, the promises of freedom, autonomy and discretion sound nice, until you file your taxes and owe Uncle Sam your first born child. These pains can be avoided, and success more likely when individuals are informed and prepared to make intelligent business decisions, that is what this book seeks to provide you – Untethered Success!
Helpful advice from a CPA. I think that this is a great book for anyone looking for practical advice about running a business. It’s an easy read and actually kind of funny! For me, the most valuable part of this book is that it’s written by a CPA who has his own business and understands not only the challenges that entrepreneurs can face but also how to manage finances.