Move your manuscript through editing, design,
self-publishing platform setup, and book promotion
with our team of experts!
You completed your first draft… let that sink in! Consider how many people (your past self included) *wish* they could say the same.
But now what?
What steps do you need to take to get to the finish line?
Who can help?
When you chose to “self” publish, you probably didn’t sign up to navigate the WHOLE process by yourself! (Self-publishing done well is actually anything *but* solitary work.) Friend, no one expects you to have all the answers.
So, let’s fearlessly ask the question… what IS next?
Well, that’s where our team of publishing experts comes in!
Let’s make *absolutely* sure you’re in the right place!
How do you know if your book is ready for editing?
Whose support do you need right now?
You’re in search of a partner! Someone who can work WITH you, listen to your fears and dreams, challenge you… someone who can lovingly but firmly help you pull that book out of your head and onto the page.
Working with a book coach is like hiring your best friend to hang out with you the entire time you are writing your book. Seriously. We pour ourselves some tea, get into our cozies, and snuggle up with your book on Zoom calls. This is perfect for you if you feel you still have some writing, soul-searching, and exploring to do before your book feels like a completed draft (aka, put together and not a hot mess).
If this feels aligned with where you’re at, then we’d love to partner up!
You already have a full draft written and you’re now in search of someone to look at your work through a specific lens.
An editor is someone who’s ready to read through your words and use her red pen just as you would a sponge on your 1969 Chevy Camaro, covering every inch to make that beauty sparkle and shine. (Better put your sunglasses on—that glare is serious!)
While a coach helps you *write* your book, an editor is there to *refine* your book! Once an editor’s work is complete, you’ll be guided into the next phase of the self-publishing journey!
If this is the kind of support you’re looking for, you’re in the right place.
Maybe it feels like Option C – All of the above?! If so, we’re happy to chat!
Working with Danielle is a privilege! Her editing skills are undeniably over the top. I chose to work with Danielle over other experienced editors because I knew she would guide me step by step. And she did! The best part was the collaboration, respect, and humor!
Danielle and her team were a delight to work with from beginning to end. When searching for an editor for my book project, I was referred to Danielle. Her positive energy and compassionate responses kept me feeling supported and on track with my book launch. I’m thankful I decided to work with her because my book is better for it. I highly recommend working with Danielle for your next book.
From draft assessments to post-publication marketing,
move through the stages of support with a team of publishing experts
by your side every step of the way.
Sometimes we stare at our work for too long. We reach a point where our wheels are spinning like they’re stuck in mud and we’re getting nowhere fast with our words. You know a lot of what you’ve written is great, but some of it is… a bit sketchy.
Through the lens of either a manuscript evaluation (a brief look at key foundational areas of your book) or full developmental edit (a more robust review of your content), our team can review your current draft and provide a written assessment of the biggest areas of need, the viability of your book in the marketplace, and the specific steps to move you through the next stages and across the finish line.
Don’t sweat the publishing lingo here! We’ll help you determine if a manuscript evaluation or a developmental edit is right for you (and the same goes for the rest of the services you’ll find described below).
While our evaluation services are akin to a second set of creative eyes on your pages, our editing services act as a fine-tooth comb through your work. As we walk your manuscript through both line and copy editing, you’ll see your draft truly start to sparkle! And yes, there’s more than one kind of editing! We’ll discuss what is best suited to your project and ensure you are crystal clear on the terminology.
Take a peek below to familiarize yourself with each type of edit:
Line editing
A line-by-line review to enhance reader engagement, flow of ideas, eliminate confusion and repetition, and ensure word usage is appropriate. This is more of a stylistic edit, where we play in the gray, focus on the FEEL of words and aren’t as concerned with the rules of grammar.
The most detailed of all editing types and is where we will (quite literally) crack open the rule book and ensure everything is grammatically correct: spelling, punctuation use, formatting, stylistic consistency, etc. It is typically used as a final “clean sweep” through a manuscript before the design stage.
This is the step authors most enjoy—assembling the visuals for the book you’ve worked so hard on, making it LOOK like an actual book! Design work, however, isn’t just about cover art. Our team is here to assist you with front and back cover design as well as interior page design and content formatting to suit the specifications of your desired self-pub platform. This work includes producing ALL of the final print or electronic files you’ll need, whether you’re publishing an ebook version, a print copy version, or both!
If you haven’t realized by now, self-publishing is a commitment to quality (an oh-so-worth-it one!). Our team is here to help you through all the loose ends before your book lands in the hands of readers. Consider details like preparing your author bio, writing and editing the back cover description and Amazon description, pricing and ISBN support, author website creation, optimization of your book’s Amazon profile, and much more! Here’s where we make sure none of the small (but important) details slip through the cracks on the way to the finish line!
It’s time to spread the word about your words! In partnership with experienced book marketing professionals, the IWB team will support you in creating a marketing plan and assembling promo materials. This includes the promotion of your book both leading up to publication and after publication. We also provide guidance and support on planning and hosting launch parties, email campaigns, and podcast or blog guest appearances.
Pssst… not sure what you need?
Because we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all publishing approach, pricing per project varies with your book’s word count and publication goals. Send us a message or schedule a free chat about your unique investment.
Let’s answer some frequently asked questions…
While we don’t require our authors to submit their manuscripts for acceptance, we do only work with nonfiction projects—specifically, soulful nonfiction! If the book you’re writing feels like a story or message sourced from your heart, your hard-earned expertise boiled down to the gold nuggets that move your readers along the path to success, or simply something mission and passion-driven, then we can’t wait to work with you!
Technically, YES. While Ink Worthy Books is not the official publisher of record (YOU are! Which means you will keep 100% of your royalties!), we can support you with all the steps along the way. We will guide you through the entire process of self-publishing, including writing, publishing, AND selling your book. (And yes, we can even help you set up your very own publishing imprint!)
It’s never too early to start the conversation about getting help with your book project. Ink Worthy Books offers support from the very beginning all the way to and past the finish line, so wherever you need help, we can meet you there! If you’re not sure, reach out and let’s chat more!
All of the services provided by the team at IWB are done in-house. As long as you are writing soulful nonfiction, you will never need to go elsewhere to receive support with your project. (We call it “cover-to-cover support” for a reason!)
When you reach out for help with your book, we will walk through a detailed assessment of your project and then create a customized project package for exactly what is needed to get your book to the publication finish line. This means you’ll receive all the help you need and not pay for anything you DON’T need!
Before we go any further, let’s address an incredibly necessary (and admittedly thorny) core belief here at Ink Worthy Books:
We hope you make mistakes. Lots of them.
Mistake making is part of the writing process. In fact, you may hear others say that your first draft is “shitty.”
And while we think that’s a little harsh and instead prefer to say “sketchy” around here (as in, it’s there but it needs a bit of shining up), the underlying truth remains: all first drafts are full of mistakes. Beautiful, brave mistakes! As Niel Gaiman says, “If you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world.”
As writers, our egos like to take the lead and shield us from critique. We unrealistically expect perfection from our work. But if everyone could write the book of their dreams in one shot, with 100% perfection, there’d be a heck of a lot more books in the world (because everyone and their third cousin twice removed would be spinning aaaaall the perfect words into perfect books!)
Being an author is hard freakin’ work emotionally and physically because we have to be willing to bear our souls and wear our mistakes with pride for the betterment of our message.
Is it uncomfy? Absolutely.
Is our intention to shame you by red-penning your pages until they are unrecognizable?
Absolutely NOT.
We WANT to see those markups! We WANT to have those deeply winding “what if?” conversations with you to make your words sparkle! We WANT to see your voice rise up off the page! We WANT your book to meet the readers it was made for, and we’ll celebrate every mistake helping to make that dream a reality.
We’re in this together. You don’t have to feel that you’re bringing your book to the executioner’s block… you’re bringing it here to be held and loved on!
Thank you so much for the care and thoughtfulness you put into your work. I am so happy with all of the feedback and can definitely see a much stronger book because of the work of you and your team. I can’t thank you enough!
From the first minute we start working together, you’ll come to know me as the fiery force behind moving your project through all the details, steps, and stages, the anchor keeping you right where you need to be throughout this highly individual journey.
I’m proud to work alongside a robust line-up of in-house and freelance team members. (They’re ready and waiting to make your words sparkle!) But even with a team of eyes on your work, you’ll enjoy a seamless experience with me as your sole point of contact!
The beliefs that guide my work:
I firmly believe that self-publishing is the complete opposite of a DIY industry. This work takes just as much grit as it does detailed care and attention. Investing in your message means working with the professionals who can elevate your words and actually help you reach the people who deeply need to hear what you have to say.
No shortcuts. No easy way out… we’re here to enjoy the challenge! I may not have met you yet, but believe me when I say that I already care so deeply about your book and I’m ready to hold you through the remnants of the storm that likely inspired it. (And friend, you should know right now that I’m not about to let you use ChatGPT, Grammarly, or your cousin who got an A in college English class to edit your work of (HE)ART!)
So, what do you think? Ready to see your words reach the far ends of the Earth?
To be frank, we don’t give two hoots about playing publishing politics or reaching invisible “success” bars based on profit. Shiny gold stars plastered across your book cover is not the ultimate goal here.
We aren’t in this for the accolades. We produce marketable books here, but we won’t squash the “human” within the message to make a better sale. If your book makes a difference in just one life, that’s all the gold star praise we need to know that this journey has been worth it. And when the accolades, gold stars, and slam-dunk sales numbers follow (because they absolutely can and do!), we’ll dance a little jig with you!
And another thing…
We don’t believe in one-size-fits all publishing packages… because not all books and writers are the same! (Shocker, right?!) We believe it’s important for writers to pay only for the services they truly need (and keep all of their own royalties too).
When you’re aware of your surroundings, you can better prepare for your journey. Here are the most common traps we help self-publishers navigate around and through with ease:
Feel like you’re not quite ready for editing but might need more support to do the actual writing? Want to be *surrounded* by others navigating the same whirlwinds and celebrations?
A sacred community for heart-driven writers who are called to share the message swirling in their soul.
With two enrollment options to suit budgets, goals, and desired areas of support, word-weavers forge bonds with fellow creatives and navigate their way through the School’s signature course, Author’s Alchemy: Five Phases of Book Creation.