A community for trailblazing self-publishers
that merges structure, soul, and support
A community for trailblazing self-publishers
that merges structure, soul, and support
Leave the world a better place than you found it.
Make an undeniable impact on at least one person!
That’s the goal, right?
When you consider WHY you want to write a book, does your inner voice sound something like this?
While a part of you may second guess your ability to deliver on this tall order, this deep soul-mission is a persistent nudge. And if that nudge cares more about delivering a powerful message than whether you’ve ever done this before, then you are in the right space, friend.
So, let’s do this!
Let’s share your not-talked-about-enough-perspective. Let’s mine for the gold in your human experience. Let’s align with your true voice and fill a very real gap with a soon-to-be very real book.
If the book you just can’t stop thinking about feels like:
A story or message channeled from your heart
A personal truth or teaching that must be shared
Something mission-driven, passion-driven, soul-driven
Personal development or self-help inviting readers to evolve and grow as soulful beings
A memoir that alchemizes your experiences to reveal transformation through earthly challenges
Words of wellness focused on total being holistic health
Your hard-earned expertise boiled down to the gold nuggets that move your readers along the path to success and invite them to connect with you for deeper support on their journey
Then you’ll fit right in, my dear!
In the Soulful Nonfiction School, the titles and topics of our students’ books reach all ends of the human spectrum, but every author here rallies around the same intention:
“To answer a call that serves a higher purpose, shifts perspectives, and moves the world forward by sharing a deeply soulful message”
In the Soulful Nonfiction School, the titles and topics of our students’ books reach all ends of the human spectrum, but every author here rallies around the same intention:
“To answer a call that serves a higher purpose, shifts perspectives, and moves the world forward by sharing a deeply soulful message”
My journey with Danielle began with a simple thirty-minute call. I had just finished my first full draft and I wasn’t even fully committed to moving forward to share it with the world. Within ten minutes, I knew immediately that this woman knew what she was talking about. This was both exciting and scary—I knew with every shred in my body that I needed to up-level my first draft before letting someone like Danielle look at it.
Probably the most telling point in our journey together regarding Danielle’s character and genuine care for her clients was when I called her the morning I was supposed to turn in my third draft to let her know I wasn’t ready and I was going to write a fourth draft with a co-author. She could have said so many things, laughed at the idea, or just insisted I send her the file I had promised her. But she didn’t. She loved the idea and encouraged me to take all the time I needed because this was MY story.
Danielle is a potent reason why my book has performed so well in the market. Her attention to detail, observations, ideas, and genuine care made for such a pleasant experience with what is already a daunting process. I will write a second book one day and I will hire Danielle.
An unconventional approach for the writer wanting something special
Make two clicks into the internet and you’re guaranteed to find a mountain of resources on how to write a book. There’s no shortage and they run the gamut from good to not-so-great. Some offer MFA-level structural guidance and go deep into the nuances of writing craft, while others stuff you full of pleasant platitudes and then lean into the creativity-killing territory of my-way-or-the-highway “success formulas.” (Have you ever seen an ad promising you can write your book in 90 days or less using their “proven method”? We don’t write those kinds of books around here.)
Overall, the majority of the books, videos, and blog posts out there focus on one thing: STRUCTURE. And, friend, I’m here to tell you that structure is ESSENTIAL to writing a valuable book; there is magic in learning how to craft a compelling message. But structure is only one-third of the game! Two vital ingredients are severely lacking in the world of writing—soul and support.
The Soulful Nonfiction School was designed to help you harness the power of all three ingredients so that your gifts can burn bright and your hang-ups can be lovingly tended to—so that nothing interferes with you writing a compelling, moving, powerful book, culled straight from the substance of your heart.
Mapping your book for far-reaching marketability and deep-hitting impact
The most well-meaning message can’t carry the day alone without structure. In fact, structure is the number one thing missing in a manuscript that “just isn’t working,” even if the content hits it out of the park. A good book (one that turns your silver linings into collective gold) requires a solid foundation for the magic (aka “soul”) to sit upon.
In the Soulful Nonfiction School, structure involves discovering crystal clear clarity about your intention, enhancing the powerful message around the wisdom you are called to share, and breaking down your message into easy-to-follow paths for your readers. A solid structure will take your book to the far reaches of the globe.
Inspiring and motivating comrades combined with hands-on access to seasoned experts for when the going gets tough (and it will get tough)
Yes, book writing is typically a solo sport—no one can move your hands over the keyboard for you. But what happens when your previously flowing words become tangled with imposter syndrome, doubts, and a barrage of fear? When the point of all this becomes a blurry memory in the rearview mirror? When you can’t—for the life of you!—remember why you ever thought you could do this?!
Friend, when you get to this place, I promise you one thing: Your reflection in the now-black computer screen isn’t going to uplift you the way fellow writers can! You know, the ones experiencing wins and pitfalls alongside you? Let’s be real. You, and many others, are here to write books that change this world. Magic happens when we can do so arm in arm. Support—from your fellow comrades and a particular time-tested, hands-on, space-holding coach—will buoy you to the finish line.
Infusing your unique soul-sourced energy into your message
The intangible energy that you alone carry is what readers feel when they read a book that touches their heart. It’s that thing that leaves books double-dog-eared and lovingly worn. Friend, you are here to craft a message that moves mountains and that demands “soul.” A book that’s all structure and no soul is like dry toast without homemade jam, the morning sky without a lick of color, or the ocean without its rolling tide—it’s missing an essential ingredient.
Within the Soulful Nonfiction School, we lean on unconventional tools like human design (a blueprint for harnessing your creative energy) and astrological insights to work with your unique writing flow (not unknowingly against it!), allowing you to tap into that oh-so-sweet soulful secret sauce.
When we invite all three ingredients into the book writing process, we can gracefully move through blocks like:
Shame for not being able to stick to a “consistent” creation schedule
Self-doubt and minimization of your experience and expertise
Dried up inspiration and a lack of connection to creative source
The overthinking, second-guessing freeze state the traps you in endless rumination and keeps you from that very necessary fingers-to-keys work
A maddening lack of of time (or never feeling like it’s the right time) to sit down and write
Holding the space and closing the gap between your soulful message and the readers who need it.
I know you’re here because you want to write a deeply meaningful, powerful, impactful book—one that will reach into the lives of your readers and make a real difference. Not one that will collect dust on the shelves, but one that will go on and lead a movement of change.
I’m here for that too—because I know firsthand the life-changing power of books.
After 13 years working in the world of books, I can tell you one thing for sure: structure is necessary to lead readers through a book, support ensures that nothing is lost in the process of writing a book, but soul… well, that’s the magic ingredient your book must have if you intend to change lives.
The essence of YOUR soul, my friend, is the unique energy you will bring to this beautiful book you’ve been thinking about.
And the essence of my soul is why I’m here, dedicated to this work, spending my days supporting the deeply sacred work of ushering words out and into the light. In this space, I find that, while I bring the value of the depth of my knowledge and training, spanning over 13 years and well over 100 books, it’s my soul that breathes life into this work, just like the sun gives to the Earth. It rises with warmth, shedding light on what has grown cold under the cover of darkness.
This sunlit spark has been my guide, carrying me forward through life and offering all the permission I’ve ever needed to live and create the way I was designed to thrive: outside of the boundary of “should.”
What I’m really saying is: the light in me sees and calls forth the light in you.
The Soulful Nonfiction School is a place to light our creative fires alongside one another, tend them together, shed tears of healing and share (virtual) hugs full of hope. This is where silver linings become gold, where we share what can no longer remain within our soul space alone.
Will you join us on an alchemical journey?
Holding the space and closing the gap between your soulful message and the readers who need it.
I know you’re here because you want to write a deeply meaningful, powerful, impactful book—one that will reach into the lives of your readers and make a real difference. Not one that will collect dust on the shelves, but one that will go on and lead a movement of change.
I’m here for that too—because I know firsthand the life-changing power of books.
After 13 years working in the world of books, I can tell you one thing for sure: structure is necessary to lead readers through a book, support ensures that nothing is lost in the process of writing a book, but soul… well, that’s the magic ingredient your book must have if you intend to change lives.
The essence of YOUR soul, my friend, is the unique energy you will bring to this beautiful book you’ve been thinking about.
And the essence of my soul is why I’m here, dedicated to this work, spending my days supporting the deeply sacred work of ushering words out and into the light. In this space, I find that, while I bring the value of the depth of my knowledge and training, spanning over 13 years and well over 100 books, it’s my soul that breathes life into this work, just like the sun gives to the Earth. It rises with warmth, shedding light on what has grown cold under the cover of darkness.
This sunlit spark has been my guide, carrying me forward through life and offering all the permission I’ve ever needed to live and create the way I was designed to thrive: outside of the boundary of “should.”
What I’m really saying is: the light in me sees and calls forth the light in you.
The Soulful Nonfiction School is a place to light our creative fires alongside one another, tend them together, shed tears of healing and share (virtual) hugs full of hope. This is where silver linings become gold, where we share what can no longer remain within our soul space alone.
Will you join us on an alchemical journey?
What’s your relationship to your future book?
Are you:
You’re certainly not alone. Are you ready to step into your power, ignite your soulful message, and send your words out into the world to do some good?
The Soulful Nonfiction School is a sacred community for heart-driven writers who are called to share the message swirling in their soul.
With two enrollment options to suit budgets, goals, and desired areas of support, word-weavers will forge bonds with fellow creatives and navigate their way through the school’s signature course, Author’s Alchemy: Five Phases of Book Creation.
In this community, we’ll take the unconventional road to bring to life a book with your unique energetic stamp—one that only you can write, one that you’ll be proud to stand beside, and one that will bring immense impact to the lives it reaches.
The Soulful Nonfiction School is a sacred community for heart-driven writers who are called to share the message swirling in their soul.
With two enrollment options to suit budgets, goals, and desired areas of support, word-weavers will forge bonds with fellow creatives and navigate their way through the school’s signature course, Author’s Alchemy: Five Phases of Book Creation.
In this community, we’ll take the unconventional road to bring to life a book with your unique energetic stamp—one that only you can write, one that you’ll be proud to stand beside, and one that will bring immense impact to the lives it reaches.
Here we define the goals of your book, aka: the “why” that will drive your writing through thick and thin and the energy you want to shower your readers in. We walk through the creation of a personalized success plan to engage your strengths and inspire your work going forward.
Before the creativity can really get flowing we need to lay a foundation for your words to sit within. Within this phase of the work, you’ll explore two tried and true paths for structuring your book and create a detailed and guiding outline (primed for reader engagement) that will bring ease to your writing journey.
Before the creativity can really get flowing we need to lay a foundation for your words to sit within. Within this phase of the work, you’ll explore two tried and true paths for structuring your book and create a detailed and guiding outline (primed for reader engagement) that will bring ease to your writing journey.
It’s time to put pen to paper or rather finger to keys! Here you take the first steps by writing the beginning and ending of your book (to give yourself some solid parameters to work in), and then with your outline as a guide, you’ll write forward to fill in the gaps with your must-be-shared message.
Once your first draft is done you better believe we will celebrate! After the confetti has settled, it’s time to get out your red pen and begin the polishing process. This phase will walk you through how to look at your work through an editor’s eye and enlist high-quality creation partners who can assist you with revisions.
Once your first draft is done you better believe we will celebrate! After the confetti has settled, it’s time to get out your red pen and begin the polishing process. This phase will walk you through how to look at your work through an editor’s eye and enlist high-quality creation partners who can assist you with revisions.
As we approach the finish line, we dive into the finer details to get your book ready to move out into the world. In this phase, you learn how to write your book description and author bio, format and design your book (with professional help), select your publishing platform, and much more so you’re not left hanging with a beautiful manuscript hidden away on your computer.
Taking your book all the way to the publication finish line is a MASSIVE accomplishment! But then what?! You have to promote it! If this sounds like an overwhelming process, you’re not alone. This bonus phase will prepare you to market like a pro and spread the message of your book far and wide!
To celebrate spring’s arrival (and Danielle’s birthday month!), we’re inviting you to take advantage of this limited time offer: a FREE two-week trial to join us in the Soulful Nonfiction School. If you love it, stay! If you don’t, you’ll be glad you tried anyway!
Ready to write and publish a book that truly helps someone? Here’s where we make it happen! Members in The Academy can look forward to support throughout each month to center their goals and weave accountability among their fellow writers. Into our conversations, we bring in techniques, prompts, and an invitation to a monthly masterclass. With access to an extensive library of 200+ resources, the signature course, and group Q&A calls, this is an opportunity to commit to your intention, sharing your world-healing message. This is a space for celebration, for transformational story, and for an alchemical journey to begin.
For writers searching for deepened accountability, support, and craving a personalized success plan, The Writing Haven is an invitation to strengthen the partnership with your work. With a personalized astrological and human design reading, writers will be able to lean into their unique energy signature and how this works in tandem with book creation. Along with access to an intimate community and all of the self-paced learning of The Academy, creators within The Writing Haven space are granted access to take part in a spacious 2-hour writing room twice each month to sit with the message on their heart alongside other souls called to share their gifts.
The Coaching Studio is an intimate container designed to help you navigate personal roadblocks, keep your pages moving, and make space for the most authentic version of your vision to unravel between us. Together we’ll (glady) burn away the one-size-fits-all approach that suffocates many writers and instead, gently align with your individual, energetic blueprint, creating a uniquely you pathway to the finish line.
Proximity is power…there is something indescribable that happens when our energies converge on the message in your heart.
Writing a book is a wonderful journey but not always an easy one. I was blessed to work with Danielle when I published my first book. Danielle was insightful, kind, and encouraging. She was right by my side every step of the way. Danielle filled in all the gaps of the countless things I did not know about the process and she constantly provided me tools that I used to make the journey easier. She is a true asset.
This book would not exist, or be the success it is, without Danielle and her team at Ink Worthy Books. She assisted from concept to final draft—she quite literally taught me how to write and I wish I had found her before I started my first draft.
Hiring Danielle was the best thing I did, worth every penny.
The Soulful Nonfiction School specifically supports writers of nonfiction books. This, however, includes a wide variety of topics and sub-genres. Some of the most common include memoir, narrative nonfiction, self-help, personal development, and business-related books. The Soulful Nonfiction School is not designed to support writers of fiction or children’s books.
As with any creative journey, the path to book publication is not always clear from the start. The greatest success will come to those who remain open minded. If you’re not quite sure you want to publish a book, but you’re interested in playing, experimenting, and exploring to see what comes up, then the Soulful Nonfiction School is a perfect place to start. And, because you can cancel at any time, you aren’t stuck with a commitment to actually write a book if you decide it’s not the path for you.
The path to traditional publishing requires a series of strategic action steps to move you toward the end goal of having your book bought by a traditional publisher. Much of the preparation required for traditional publishing falls outside the scope of the Soulful Nonfiction School which has been specifically designed for self-publishing authors. If you’re seriously considering traditional publishing but aren’t quite sure if it’s right for you, email us at soulfulnonfiction@gmail.com to schedule a call and explore this further.
The coursework and pathway through the Soulful Nonfiction School is 100% doable at your own pace—you can move as quickly or as slowly as you’d like. However, we recommend dedicating a minimum of two to five hours per week to working on your book project in order to keep the creative flame stoked and the energy flowing. This is less than an hour a day, which is a realistic pace for most busy writers.
Easy! Just send an email to soulfulnonfiction@gmail.com and we’ll take care of it!
We know the book writing journey is full of ups and downs, ins and outs, and sometimes hard stops, which is why you can cancel your membership to the Soulful Nonfiction School at any time. If you cancel prior to the end of the monthly cycle, your access will remain active until the final date of the cycle. No prorated refunds are granted for early cancellation. To cancel, simply email us and we’ll take care of it.
Why Self-Publishing?
For starters, we find that unconventional souls tend to take the “unconventional” paths.
Contrary to elitist opinions, self-publishing is far from a DIY industry. It comes with a level of quality and commitment equal to that of traditional publishing. (It is in no way, the “easy way out.”)
Simply put, this path is one of freedom. Freedom of voice, freedom of perspective, freedom from “better than” attitudes of book giants.
To be frank, we don’t give two hoots about playing publishing politics or chasing accolades in the name of trendy book themes and invisible “success” bars based on profit. Shiny gold stars plastered across your book cover is not what we use to measure ultimate success.
Making the bestseller’s list would be a dream, BUT (and this is a big but) it’s not THE dream of the authors here. Their true calling is to share this message from the depths of their soul—a message that matters regardless of what anyone (or any trend) has to say about it.
We make marketable books here, but we won’t squash the “human” within the story to make a better or quicker sale. If your book makes a difference in just one life, that’s all the gold star praise we need to know that this journey has been worth it all.
Sound like a rhythm you already march to?
Why Self-Publishing?
For starters, we find that unconventional souls tend to take the “unconventional” paths.
Contrary to elitist opinions, self-publishing is far from a DIY industry. It comes with a level of quality and commitment equal to that of traditional publishing. (It is in no way, the “easy way out.”)
Simply put, this path is one of freedom. Freedom of voice, freedom of perspective, freedom from “better than” attitudes of book giants.
To be frank, we don’t give two hoots about playing publishing politics or chasing accolades in the name of trendy book themes and invisible “success” bars based on profit. Shiny gold stars plastered across your book cover is not what we use to measure ultimate success.
Making the bestseller’s list would be a dream, BUT (and this is a big but) it’s not THE dream of the authors here. Their true calling is to share this message from the depths of their soul—a message that matters regardless of what anyone (or any trend) has to say about it.
We make marketable books here, but we won’t squash the “human” within the story to make a better or quicker sale. If your book makes a difference in just one life, that’s all the gold star praise we need to know that this journey has been worth it all.
Sound like a rhythm you already march to?
The Soulful Nonfiction School is a celebration of life above all else. The soul that led each one of us through a journey worthy of ink on a page.
Here, tears can fall and laughter is shared while hugs are thrown around like currency. Nothing needs to hide in this space. Nothing needs to make itself smaller, more palatable, more digestible to be seen as valuable.
We don’t hide from the mess. Mess is playful and the beginnings of something truly powerful. We don’t look for an easy way around the hard work. The transformation that comes with writing a book is made up of ownership, dedication, and a willingness to flow.
In this cozy-hangout we become comrades inspiring new ways to show up for our craft, our calling.
Together we will expand our horizons and move the world forward, one raw word, one boat-rocking chapter, one VERY needed book at a time.
The Soulful Nonfiction School is a celebration of life above all else. The soul that led each one of us through a journey worthy of ink on a page.
Here, tears can fall and laughter is shared while hugs are thrown around like currency. Nothing needs to hide in this space. Nothing needs to make itself smaller, more palatable, more digestible to be seen as valuable.
We don’t hide from the mess. Mess is playful and the beginnings of something truly powerful. We don’t look for an easy way around the hard work. The transformation that comes with writing a book is made up of ownership, dedication, and a willingness to flow.
In this cozy-hangout we become comrades inspiring new ways to show up for our craft, our calling.
Together we will expand our horizons and move the world forward, one raw word, one boat-rocking chapter, one VERY needed book at a time.